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  • Writer's pictureClaire Curera

2023 Welcoming 6 residents

Our goal for 2023 was to complete the work in the Shean house for the floor that remained to be renovated. We are so happy and grateful to the Lord because the goal is achieved! Finally we have finished the major work, as we only have a few frames left to renovate.


We had to sell our apartment in order to invest in the renovation! We were fortunate to have a contractor available at the right time who brought this undertaking to fruition.

We proceeded step by step: after the renovation of the triplex on the last 3 levels of the house, we had the joy of welcoming 3 refugees. We are very grateful to the Lord who allowed us to do this new step in the realization of our projects.

Then, after the renovation of the apartment on the 2nd floor, we were able to accommodate 3 more refugees. This has allowed us to reach the figure of 12 residents welcomed in the Shean house since we started our activity. The 12 residents are from Somalia, Congo, Burundi and Nigeria.

One of our objectives is to support residents in their integration, then help them find long-term accommodation after 18 months in the reception structure. 3 of our residents were able to find long-term accommodation and they have moved in the meantime.


“So, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, working better and better in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor will not be in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58.

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